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Hi, I’m Karina. I’m mum to Thomas, who was born in 2018 with a hand difference. It took us by surprise when we found out about his amniotic band syndrome at the 12 week ultrasound. Initially this was quite upsetting news, but the encouraging stories we stumbled across in the Aussie Hands community gave us hope for our little man. I have learnt a lot through being a parent and watching my son grow. I encourage Thomas to build confidence and overcome his limb difference both physically and socially with various activities such as swimming, gymnastics, playgroups and arts and crafts. As a mentor, my aim is to give back to this amazing community and help other parents who are filled with the same initial fears we were. I am happy to meet in any capacity you feel comfortable with and am usually free Tuesday mornings between 9am – 12noon.

Hi! I am Tamie and mum to Sonny who was born in 2011 with a hand difference which was discovered at his 20 week anatomy scan. I have learnt so much, from finding out Sonny would have a difference before he was born and the feelings involved with this, through to now 10 years later. I have navigated Sonny starting child care, school and participating in activities as well as finding our way through the emotions that go along with Sonny growing and going through life. I would love to have the opportunity to help and guide other parents in a similar situation and to give reassurance, advice and a shoulder to lean on should you need it. I am happy to meet in any way you feel most comfortable and usually I am free Saturday or Sunday afternoon’s between 4 and 6 pm.

Hi everyone, my name is Tamara I was born without my left arm from the elbow down. I am a successful career driven woman in the mining industry managing teams both in Australia and internationally. I have also just become a mum to a little boy. I feel I can offer insight, support and guidance to both parents of children with a hand difference and adolescents dealing with school and the prospect of adulthood.

My name’s Stuart and I was born with a hand difference as a result of amniotic band syndrome. While this led to some interesting times growing up (including seven surgeries on my hands), as an adult I’ve been lucky enough to live and work around the world, including in Europe as a tour guide for four years. I’ve also worked in journalism, hospitality, sport and data, and know from personal experience how a hand difference doesn’t define who you are. I am currently the President of the Aussie Hands Board of Management. I have played cricket for a number of years and am currently heavily involved with rowing, including as a para-rower. I am happy to meet in any capacity you’re comfortable with and am usually free Sunday afternoons between 2 – 4pm.

Hi Everyone. My name is Shevaughn and I am mum to Amelia, born in December of 2020 with symbrachadactyly of the left upper limb. We found out about the limb difference at the birth and have learnt so much from the Aussie Hands community, my own research, and lived experience. I am also a Physiotherapist, working in neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation, with some experience with acute acquired amputee patients and working alongside the NDIS. I would love to share my knowledge and experiences with new or expecting parents looking for guidance, reassurance and information. I am happy to meet in any capacity you feel comfortable with and am usually free Sunday afternoons between 2 – 4pm.