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Hi! My name is Amir and I am a first time dad. Nearly 18 months ago we were blessed with beautiful Aalan who was born with symbrachydactyly on one of his hands, which came as a big shock to us. From the early days, we found Aussie Hands to be a fantastic group for information, advice and connecting with others. I would be happy to offer insights, help and support to new parents. I am usually free on Sunday afternoons.

Hi! I was born with limb differences across both of my hands and feet. I only have one finger that many consider ‘normal’. Though, I adapted and have played drums in many bands and orchestras, and have enjoyed many sports. I’m an active traveller and completed Mt Everest Base Camp trek, and treked across South America. I have served as both Secretary and Vice President on the Aussie Hands Board of Management. I’m available to offer insights into life experience, overcoming challenges, adapting and building confidence as a person with hand differences. I’m happy to meet in any capacity that you feel comfortable – and usually free Saturday afternoons between 1 – 3pm.

Hello, My name is Fazra, everyone calls me Faz! Rafael my dear little son was born in June 2020 with complete syndactyly and a missing digit. We found out about his hand difference at our 20-week scan. At the time it was a lot to process, since then we have learned a lot and gone through Rafael’s first surgery. I come from an organisational development background and have a lot of experience around neuroscience, psychology, and learning and development. I am happy to have a chat about how to process emotions, acceptance, and other things with my lived experience. I’m happy to connect in any way that is workable 🙂 I’m located in the southeastern suburbs of Melbourne. Look forward to connecting with you!

If sharing my experiences and listening to yours can arm you with some knowledge, ideas or just some assurances about the future, then please feel free to get in touch. I’ll listen & learn, be positive and offer any handy hints that might help.

The eldest of my 2 sons was born in 2002 with no left hand and a shorter forearm which we first discovered during an ultrasound. We’ve gone through school, sports, driving, prosthetics and NDIS and although the boys might not always have been fans of my parenting techniques, my eldest son has grabbed life with his 1 hand and not let his difference be an obstacle.

Happy to meet in person (where possible), chat online or over the phone. I’m available at weekends and most Fridays.

We are Jenny and Peter and the parents of Harry who was born in 2013 with a limb difference. We found out that Harry would be born missing his left forearm at the 20 week scan. Since then we have benefited from the support and advice of other parents and hope to be able to give back to this community through offering support to other parents. So if you are just finding out about your baby’s limb difference or want to discuss sporting or schooling environments, please feel to reach out for a face-to-face or video chat. We are usually available Wednesday between 7-9pm.