Help your clients with a hand difference obtain support and connect with Aussie Hands
As a health professional, finding the right information and support for a family who has a child with a hand difference can be challenging. Parents can have many questions and mixed emotions. At Aussie Hands, we provide a range of services so that people with hand differences and their families don’t feel alone.
How can Aussie Hands help?
- Provide understanding, support and information to parents and health professionals.
- Manage a private Facebook Group for people to support each other.
- Host social gatherings and programs for children and their families in most Australian states.
- Provide up to date information about aids, prosthetics, 3D printed hands and counselling services.
- Offer guidance around key issues including the transition to school and making decisions about surgical options.
How can my clients join Aussie Hands?
Please contact Aussie Hands to request a supply of brochures which explain who we are, what we do and how to join up to connect with others who have a hand difference and get support. Alternatively, pass on links to our website and facebook closed group (private) page.