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Our Ambassadors

Our Ambassadors

Aussie Hands is now seeking new Ambassadors to represent Aussie Hands.

The Ambassadors will be involved in a wide range of activities which will enhance the profile of the Foundation by engaging regularly with members and raising awareness of hand differences in the Australian community.

Expressions of interest are to be emailed to

Click the link for the Ambassador – Position Description

Aussie Hands has been thankful to our past Ambassadors, two very valued members of our Aussie Hands Family.


Tom Covell – NSW – 2020 – 2022

Amanda Palmer – TAS –  2018 – 2023

Dave Serpell

Dave was born with Symbrachydactyly on ANZAC day 1999 and has grown up with Aussie Hands for as long as he can remember (kind of the reason why it started). Dave has developed long term relationships with many Aussie Hands families and mentors younger members. Dave enjoys public speaking and has extensive expertise and knowledge on various social media platforms. Dave is committed to liaise with key stakeholders to raise awareness of hand differences (in general), but to also support research by fundraising for the Australian Hand Difference Register.

Dave is determined, driven and always willing to go the extra mile to help, assist and make sure that by representing Aussie Hands as Ambassador he can better the lives of many children and parents. Dave is honoured to be appointed an Ambassador for Aussie Hands and looks forward to meeting many families and connecting during our events.