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We have gathered a list of books, journals and DVDs about difference. Should you find other titles you would like to share with others please let us know as we would be happy to include them.


Bentz, Paediatric Plastic Surgery

Boscheinen-Morrin, J, et al, The Hand: Fundamentals of Therapy
ISBN/ISSN 0407003630, ISBN/ISSN 0750605707
A small handbook used by therapists. Relevant to adult hand injuries only. It does not include any information on congenital anomalies or treatment of children.

Buck-Gramcko, Congenital Malformations of the Hand and Forearm
ISBN: 0443035601
A multi author text edited by Dieter Buck-Gramcko. This is a detailed surgical technique text with line diagrams and few black and white photographs.

Charles A. Goldfarb, MD, Valeri D. Calhoun, CHT, Loray Dailey, CHT, and Paul R. Manske, MD, Hand and Upper Extremity Therapy Congenital, Pediatric and Adolescent Patients: Saint Louis protocols. Saint Louis, MO (2011).

Clark, Gaylord, illustrations by Lavery, JP Hand Rehabilitation: A Practical Guide
ISBN/ISSN 0443076421

Flanagan, Richard, The Sound of One Hand Clapping

Flatt, AE, The Care of Congenital Hand Anomalies
A single author text that presents Adrian Flatt’s approach to various congenital hand problems. This text is directed at surgeons but is readable and adds the points of personal experience re the various conditions, which makes it a valuable book.

Green, Operative Hand Surgery
A reference text covering all hand surgery topics. There is a large section on congenital hand surgery, which is organised into sections such as surgery of the hand and fingers, surgery of the thumb etc. It has black and white photos and diagrams of surgical techniques.

Gupta A, Kay SP and Scheker L, The Growing Hand
ISBN: 0723421331
The textbook of congenital hand surgery and hand surgery for trauma and tumour conditions in children. This is an extensive text, and includes chapters written by Eileen Bradbury on the psychological aspects of caring for children with congenital anomalies as well as their parents. There are numerous diagrams and colour photographs.

Hunter, JM, et al, Rehabilitation of the Hand: Surgery and Therapy
ISBN/ISSN 080162472X
A two volume textbook used extensively by occupational therapists and physiotherapists. The content is predominantly dedicated to adult hand trauma and acquired conditions. There is a small section on paediatric conditions with one chapter on management of congential hand anomalies.

Kaiser,B & Rasminsky, JS Meeting the Challenge: Effective Strategies for Challenging Behaviour in Early Childhood Environments Ottawa: Canadian Childcare Federation, 1999

Moran, C, Hand Rehabilitation Clinics in Physical Therapy
ISBN/ISSN 0443083533

Paediatric Plastic Surgery
An advanced textbook on all aspects of paediatric plastic surgery. It includes chapters on all hand problems – both congenital anomalies and acquired problems. It has extensive information on conditions and surgical procedures.

Savage, Stephen, Hands and Feet
ISBN/ISSN 0750214570

Terri M.Skirven, A. Lee Osterman, Jane Fedorczyk, Peter C. Amadio, Rehabilitation of the Hand and Upper Extremity: Sixth Edition, 2011
ISBN/ISSN 080162472X

Thomson, Ruth, Look at Hands
ISBN/ISSN 0863135544

Tubiana, The Hand – Volume 5
ISBN: 0721659152

Wynn Parry, Christopher Berkeley, Rehabilitation of the Hand
ISBN/ISSN 0407385010